(Updated on November 8, 2018)
1. Enrollment
Enrollment in Dalton Learning Lab will only be confirmed after payment is received and you receive an official written notice from our administration by email, post, or by hand.
Dalton Learning Lab reserves the right to discontinue a student’s enrollment at any time due to disruptive behavior or negative impact on the learning experience of other students.
Dalton Learning Lab reserves the right to change instructors as it deems appropriate or necessary, without having to provide prior notice for such arrangements.
2. Attendance
If a student cannot attend Dalton Learning Lab for medical reasons, please inform the administration directly by phone or email before class time.
A student with an infectious disease, or who is showing any symptoms such as cough, runny nose, fever, or rash, should rest at home and not return to school until they are fully recovered. Parents should report illnesses to us immediately.
3. Attire and Other
All students should wear comfortable and appropriate clothing and shoes during classes.
All personal items should be clearly labeled with the student’s name.
Students should not wear jewelry or other similar ornaments as such items can be dangerous.
Parents should ensure that students do not bring valuables, as Dalton Learning Lab or any of its employees or representatives will not be responsible for any losses
4. Tuition
All tuition fees must be settled at least one (1) week prior to be start date of classes. Dalton Learning Lab reserves the right to withdraw or preclude any student from attending class if tuition for that student has not been fully paid.
Tuition fees encompass a package of a certain number of lessons (a “Course”).
Tuition is non-refundable and non-transferable.
Dalton Learning Lab reserves the right to change course prices and offer promotional discounts at any time. No discounts will be allowed or issued for any promotion codes or periods that are missed. Only one promotion code can be applied to a course; promotion codes cannot be combined.
5. Absence & Make-Up Class
It is the parent's responsibility to inform Dalton Learning Lab officially by letter, email or phone call at least one week before the start of the class in the event of absence.
Approval and scheduling of any make-up lesson shall be at the sole discretion of Dalton Learning Lab.
6. Illness / Accident at School
Parents and guardians are solely responsible for the safety of students before and after class.
In the event of illness or accident at school requiring medical attention for a student, the student’s parents will be informed immediately. If urgent medical attention is required, the student may be taken to the nearest hospital. By accepting these Terms and Conditions, the parents and/or guardians hereby give Dalton Learning Lab consent to do so.
7. Photography and Video/Audio Recordings
By signing the Dalton Learning Lab application form, you agree to allow Dalton Learning Lab the right to freely use photographs and video/audio recordings taken by us for Dalton Learning Lab purposes, including (but not limited to) brochures, newsletters, any part of the Dalton Learning Lab website, etc. Some of these photographs or recordings may be used in educational research reports or for promotional purposes. If you do not want photographs or videos of your child to be used, you must inform Dalton Learning Lab in writing. It is the policy of Dalton Learning Lab to use such photography and video/audio recordings in a responsible and decent manner.
To protect the privacy of our parents and students, please kindly refrain from taking photographs and video/audio recordings within Dalton Learning Lab premises without the consent of Dalton Learning Lab. Parents may take videos and photographs of their own children only the first day of class and during official school events.
8. Use of Student Works
It is expected that, from time to time and depending on the specific Course in which a student may be enrolled, students may produce artwork, music, applications, or other materials during any participation in Dalton Learning Lab (such materials, the “Student Works”). By enrolling in Dalton Learning Lab, you grant Dalton Learning Lab the right to freely use any Student Works for Dalton Learning Lab purposes, including (but not limited to) brochures, newsletters, any part of the Dalton Learning Lab website, etc.
9. Tropical Cyclone or Heavy Rainstorm Signals
Parents should pay attention to the news and Hong Kong Observatory weather reports, and exercise discretion in deciding whether or not to send their children to class.
For lessons cancelled due to severe weather conditions, Dalton Learning Lab will try to accommodate make-up lessons, but does not guarantee availability.
In the event of inclement weather, Dalton Learning Lab will follow the protocol set forth in the tables below:

10. Miscellaneous
All our materials and curriculum information are strictly limited to current students at Dalton Learning Lab. Reproduction of our materials in any form is strictly prohibited.
We have a strict no-gifts policy in place at Dalton Learning Lab for staff members.
Please refrain from hiring our staff to provide private tuition for your child.
Some Dalton Learning Lab documents are written in both English and Chinese. Should there be any inconsistency between the two versions, the English version shall prevail.
Dalton Learning Lab reserves the right to amend these Terms and Conditions at any time by giving one-month’s prior notice or, in case of urgent situations, immediately.