Peggy Yeoh Lee
Peggy Yeoh Lee is one of the three founders and directors of the Dalton Learning Lab and is extensively involved in education and the arts in Hong Kong. She is the founder and supervisor of Little Dalton Kindergarten in Hong Kong, a board member of the Dalton Foundation, as well as the founder and director of Dalton School Hong Kong, a nonprofit child-centred primary school.
Ms. Yeoh was formerly a senior lawyer in the area of mergers and acquisition at a renowned law firm in Sydney, Australia. She also served as executive director of a listed property funds management company. She is currently an executive director of ytd, a fashion retail company in Australia carrying brands such as DVF, Tods and Vera Wang.
In addition to the Dalton Foundation and its schools, Ms. Yeoh is involved in numerous educational and cultural charities and nonprofits, including the Peggy Guggenheim Museum, the Hong Kong Ballet, Bring Me A Book™ Hong Kong, the Sun Hung Kai Foundation, and others. She has a Bachelor of Law and Bachelor of Business degree with Honours and Distinction.