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Best Hong Kong summer camps for kids

Expat Parent - June 2018


How Hong Kong is preparing its youth for the future

Al Jazeera - April 27, 2018


Small steps and giant leaps

South China Morning Post - May 31, 2018


This CEO says schools today are 'trained to teach the past'

CNBC - May 23, 2018


How Hong Kong is preparing its youth for the future

Al Jazeera - April 27, 2018



TVB Finance Channel - April 18, 2018


STEM 全民學習 邁向人工智能世界(二)

e-zone - March 22, 2018


STEM 全民學習 邁向人工智能世界(一)

e-zone - March 22, 2018


Volvo Ocean Race 環球帆船賽嘉年華 品嚐美食兼試玩駕船賽車

Elle Blog - January 25, 2018


【好Hea處】環球帆船比賽嘉年華 Volvo變身過山車+試揸起重機

蘋果日報 - January 19, 2018


【試玩】Volvo Ocean Race 環球帆船賽香港站 VR汽車+免費嘉年華

Unwire - January 18, 2018


Dalton Learning Lab’s offers Machine Learning tools for teachers

Jumpstart - December 21, 2017


免費參加 數碼港商場 X DALTON LEARNING LAB 小結他製作班

Jetso Today - December 07, 2017


「數碼港飛躍創夢基地」 @數碼港商場

timable - December 05, 2017


Dalton Learning Lab Helps Children Unleash Their Creativity

Jumpstart - December 04, 2017


家長數碼工作坊 Minecraft Photoshop Music Technology

Dolphin Mum - November 17, 2017



TVB Finance Channel - October 25, 2017


Dalton Learning Lab begins preparing children for robotics and AI revolution

Jumpstart - October 11, 2017


Hong Kong tech guru’s after-school lab to help children prepare for a robotic future

Post Magazine - October 10, 2017


Dalton Learning Lab 培育學子,邁向機械人工程與人工智能革命

e-Campus Toda -  October, 2017


New Cyberport Robotics Lab for Kids

Southside - October, 2017


Learning Leaps into the Future

Southside - October, 2017


Are Hong Kong’s university students ready for the workplace of the future?

South China Morning Post - September 30, 2017


Invitation to Open Day at Dalton Learning Lab

Jumpstart - September 20, 2017


Dalton Learning Lab Newly Opened In Cyberport!

Little Steps Asia - September 13, 2017

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